The quality of air has a direct impact on absenteeism, student achievement, teacher retention and the cost of medical insurance and electricity. We are in the business of saving money and saving lives by cleaning the air in your buildings and defeating the invisible enemy.

Did you know?
According to a 2020 study, researchers at University of California found that only 15% of the public school classrooms they studied met the state’s ventilation standard. That means that 85% of public school buildings are likely woefully under-ventilated – a staggering reality in this time of pandemics and natural disasters.
Furthermore, a study by The Lancet COVID-19 Commission in April of 2021 found that buildings play a critical role in the transmission of airborne infectious diseases. It concluded that the benefits of ventilation and air cleaning enhancements include increased test scores and fewer missed school days.
How we help
We have the expertise you may be missing to defeat the invisible enemy, saving you time and money. We are not hardware or disinfectant vendors. We work for you and after an assessment we recommend the best options, equipment and training for employees.
LifeWings will deliver a cross-functional team of experts to find solutions unique to your schools. We’ve been doing it for 20 years. Our professionals know the ins and outs of HVAC, filtration, air distribution, and air flow patterns, plus the most recent studies on COVID.
Our goal is to make your school buildings safer and more efficient.

Is it worth the money? Yes! It actually saves money.
Consider how much electric bills rise if systems run all day. What about the cost of daily staff cleanings or bringing in professional cleaners? What is the cost to students and parents if schools are shut down due to COVID outbreaks?
Running your equipment efficiently saves you money. Cleaner air means lower utility bills. Providing the right kind of training to monitor and maintain equipment saves you time. Optimizing ventilation in your building reduces teacher absences and therefore the cost of substitutes. It reduces medical claims, keeping health insurance costs in check. It reduces student absenteeism, withdrawals, and discipline cases, bringing in more dollars based upon attendance.
The process